Given the fact that I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie this Friday (tickets confirmed by Eric) and yet have zero knowledge of this whole story, I'm trying to catch up on the previous 5 movies so I will only ask 27% the number of stupid questions about wizards that I would have otherwise. I will update this post throughout the week as I go through each movie with the stupid questions and thoughts I have. Contains spoilers so don't read if you intend to watch it or care.
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone -
Completed 7/13- It's really creepy seeing Daniel Radcliff (and his co-actors) as a kid. I mean, he just did some Broadway show or something nude... Harry Potter, naked, on Broadway, ugh, what the eff...
- Is it just me or is the magic wand shopkeeper a Lord of the Rings hobbit?
- Can normal people not see these kids run and disappear into a wall at platform 9 and 3/4?
What's the point of quidditch if you can just win by capturing the golden snitch? Eric gave me the actual rules of the game since it was explained incorrectly in the movie. Apparently, Eric's knowledge came from being the rule interpreter for the W&M quidditch team. He also kept the team Nimbus 2000's in tip top shape.
- Is Harry Potter really a jock? Since he's the only "freshman" to make the quidditch team as "seeker/QB"? no less.
- What the heck is up with the random unicorn vampire scene? Was that really necessary?
- Was it just me or is that two faced professor/evil wizard at the end pretty damn scary? I almost pooped my pants when the back of his head turned into a face.
- Where are the Asians in the movie?
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets -
Completed 7/14- English accents are pretty cool in general, but I think I might shoot myself at the end of watching all these movies.
- An elf? or is it just Golem?
- I realize that trees might not like greenhouse gases but I didn't know that it hated cars THAT much.
- The mandrake baby scene is disturbing as hell.
- I wish we could send "howlers" in real life, haha.
- Puking slugs, appetizing.
- Why are there so many similarities between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings? Whispering voice? Sauron?
- Flying through the quidditch field ramparts reminds me of Star Wars and Luke flying on the surface of the Death Star.
- Skele-grow, is that just steroids in Harry Potter world?
- No snakes on a plane, but snake in a tunnel!
- Which Petco has one of those superbirds for sale?
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban -
Completed 7/15- Is it just me or are the movies getting less humorous and more serious and dark?
- Loss of limp will not excuse one from homework, CRAP.
- I'm so confused why the dementors are all chasing Potter.
- The twins are hilarious.
- Harry seriously resembles Anakin Skywalker in this one, full of rage.
- Oooo, time travel.
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire -
Completed 7/16- Ron looks more like a tool the older he gets.
- Quidditch World Cup and still no Asians.
- Dancing fireworks would be pretty ill.
- Finally, Asian sighted.
- Wtf is up with the entrance scene for the girls magic prep school?
- Why do "they" travel in packs? hahaha
- "Moral fiber" in Harry Potter, the hell?
- That's some disturbing image/scene towards the end...
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix - Completed 7/16
- Woah, English wankstas. When did the story get contemporized?
- Why does Voldemort not have a nose?
- Why is this Potter romance thing necessary? So dumb. Thank god for fast forward.
- Random centaurs...
- World War 3 of magic
- This is totally Star Wars...without wookies and storm troopers...and spaceships...magic wands instead of light sabers.
Finally, all previous movies completed. On to tomorrow for the new one.